Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C+' or better in ((SW 6001 AND SW 6002 AND SW 6110 AND SW 6120 AND SW 6140 AND SW 6240 AND SW 6030 AND SW 6040) OR (SW 6040 AND 6121 AND 6200)) AND Graduate Standing in Social Work
Adults along the age continuum often experience mental health and behavioral health challenges that can be effectively addressed through social work interventions. Students who take this class refine their skills in engagement, assessment, intervention, and evaluation of mental health practice with a range of adult populations. Students will learn evidence-based models to address common mental health issues in adults such as depression, anxiety, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Substance Use Disorders. These evidence-based models include: routine outcome monitoring, the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy approach, Mindfulness Oriented Recovery Enhancement, and Cognitive Processing Therapy. Students will also learn the stance of cultural humility as an approach to improve engagement and intervention with clients, and will refine their skills in building effective helping relationships with clients. This course is the second of a sequence of two required specialist practice courses taken by all students in the Mental Health Area of Focus during the specialist year of the MSW program.