Course Detail
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Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
We live in a world where math anxiety is widespread, yet our students need to have a foundation in these skills in order to make it to graduation. The time has come to tackle any fear you might have so that you can best support your student on their math journey! This course, taught by a public-school math teacher with over ten years of experience, covers the broad strokes of the mathematics your student will navigate in grades 9-11. By addressing the overarching themes in the core standards, you can not only help your student complete their math homework, but also seamlessly connect the mathematical themes and concepts from different grade levels. Your instructor will provide information and counsel on how to help your student prepare their math requirements for graduation and which courses might best serve your student as they progress through their learning pathway. Please note that grade 12 content is excluded from this course by design, but your instructor will provide insight and recommendations about your student's specific situation in the last session.