Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
The year 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Utah. This class will tell the story of how our Osher Institute came to be, the generosity of our founders, Bernard and Barbro Osher, and our establishment in 2004 as an early addition to a growing network of Institutes across the country. We will include stories about the history and philosophy of The Bernard Osher Foundation, the personalities involved in creating an opportunity for seasoned adults "age 50 and better" in their "third age" at the U, and the structure of how Osher Institutes run with Foundation support. We will also take a trip down memory lane, acknowledging where we've been and looking ahead to where we'll go in the next 20 years. We'll leave class inspired by the joy of giving and receiving, as well as the joy of learning, the legacy that Bernard and Barbro Osher created for hundreds of thousands of curious adults in Utah and beyond.