Course Detail
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University Connected Learning
As part of our special 20th anniversary celebrations of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute coming to the University of Utah in 2004, we will hold a truly exciting event, Oppenheimer: The Film, Plus. The film "Oppenheimer" has received rave reviews and won seven Academy Awards, including Best Film, Best Leading Actor, and Best Supporting Actor. But the film is so much more than entertainment; it is VERY good history. Colonel Steve Hall (who has seen the film over eleven, yes eleven, times) has crafted a morning/afternoon event that will discuss the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer and much, much more. The two-hour morning session will cover the science of the atom bombs and the decisions on when, how, and where to use them. We will then break for lunch. In the afternoon two-hour session, Steve will discuss J. Robert Oppenheimer himself, the film, the important players in Oppenheimer's professional and personal life, and the events that led to his tragic denouement. This event will have little meaning to you if you have not seen the film. So, go see the film! Steve will not show film clips as part of his lecture. The film is based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning book by Bird and Sherwin, "American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer." So go read the book and join us for something special!