Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: UUHED 6702 OR Instructor Consent.
This course will build off of our previous work in the Foundations of Curriculum Design and Evaluation course and apply these concepts through an advanced lens. This course will explore advanced topics in adult learning theory as applied to curriculum development. We will conduct a deeper dive into the adult learning theorists and the concepts of self-directed, transformation, and experiential learning as well as adult learning development as it impacts curricular design. You will expand beyond Knowles’ theories into the work of McClusky, Illeris, and Jarvis. You will then look at the concepts of self-directed, transformational, and experiential learning. Lastly, you will explore the constructivist and modernist approaches to curriculum design theory. The culmination of this module will be a presentation to your peers of one of the advanced adult education theories and how this relates to your health professional education.