Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Once upon a summer, in a land where laughter and imagination reign supreme, our Club U Camp invites all campers to step into a world of wonder and excitement. The gates to this magical realm are open, welcoming dreamers, explorers, and budding wizards to join us on a journey like no other. Our fairytale story will start with a trip to Classic Fun. On Wednesday, as the sun rises high above the mountains, Club U will be transformed into a realm with mystical creatures and brave knights. Campers will forge their way into Castle Day, as they defend their territory and create captivating castles fit for a King. The story doesn't end there. For our final chapter, campers will travel back in time and explore what life was like for the dinosaurs at the Museum of Ancient Life and escape from city life at Farm Country.