DS 2500 - 001 Data Wrangling

DS 2500 - 001 Data Wrangling

  • Class Number: 15256
  • Instructor: KOGAN, MARINA
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 3.0
  • Requisites: Yes
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 15

DS 3190 - 001 Found. of Data Analysis

DS 3190 - 001 Found. of Data Analysis

  • Class Number: 13004
  • Instructor: REZIG, EL KINDI
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 3.0
  • Requisites: Yes
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 0

DS 3390 - 001 Ethics in Data Science

DS 3390 - 001 Ethics in Data Science

  • Class Number: 13934
  • Instructor: PATIL, SAMEER
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 3.0
  • Requisites: Yes
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 0

DS 3941 - 002 Data Science Seminar

DS 3941 - 002 Data Science Seminar

DS 4350 - 001 Machine Learning

DS 4350 - 001 Machine Learning

  • Class Number: 12005
  • Instructor: Zhe, Shandian
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 3.0
  • Requisites: Yes
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 11

DS 4630 - 001 Vis for Data Science

DS 4630 - 001 Vis for Data Science

  • Class Number: 14128
  • Instructor: ROSEN, PAUL
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 3.0
  • Requisites: Yes
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 0

DS 4800 - 001 Senior Capstone Design

DS 4800 - 001 Senior Capstone Design

DS 4850 - 001 Senior Capstone Project

DS 4850 - 001 Senior Capstone Project

  • Class Number: 13935
  • Instructor: DE ST GERMAIN, JOHN
  • Instructor: WANG, FENGJIAO
  • Component: Practicum
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 3.0
  • Requisites: Yes
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 4