Course Detail
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Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
We live in a time and place where every citizen needs to know something about the science that surrounds us. We need to understand air pollution, water issues, climate change, and a host of other things that we used to leave to the scientists - but it Is too important to do that any longer. Our economy, our environment, our very lives depend on understanding. This class will use one of Osher's uber-nerds (the instructor!) to step us through what Is happening in our community, state, nation, and world in science as the news breaks every week. We will discuss what Is happening and its significance in an understandable way. Think of this class as "current events," but in science rather than politics! The instructor has taught Osher science classes for years and has a broad and deep background in chemistry, physics, and other relevant sciences; he invites you to come pick his brain before he gets too old to remember it all!