Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C-' or better in CS 2420 AND (Full Major or Minor status in Computer Science OR Full Major status in Computer Engineering OR Data Science OR Software Development)
This course is an introduction to digital image processing. Simply put, image processing is the study of any algorithm that takes an image as input and produces an image as output. Digital images are ubiquitous in today's world, and the number of images available on the internet is exploding. Images are an important form of data in many fields. Examples include microscopy in biology, MRI and CT in medicine, satellite imagery in geology and agriculture, fingerprint and face images in security and many others. Digital image processing is vital in fully harnessing the information in all of this data. Practically every digital image your see today has undergone some form of image processing. Even point-and-shoot digital cameras have a dedicated image processing microchip that performs simple image processing tasks immediately after a photograph is taken. In this course you will learn the basic algorithms of image processing, including image enhancement, filtering, feature detection, geometric transforms, color processing, and compression. The goals of this course are to give you the understanding of how image processing algorithms work and what algorithms to apply to a given problem, and also the foundation necessary to develop your own image processing algorithms.