Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C-' or better in ((((ECON 2010 OR BUS 2010) AND ECON 2020) OR AP Microecon score of 3+ AND AP Macroecon score of 3+) AND ((ECON 3620 OR MATH 1100 OR MATH 1210 OR MATH 1310 OR MATH 1250 OR MATH 1311)) OR AP Calc AB 4+ OR AP Calc BC 3+)
Requirement Designation:
Quantitative Intensive BS
Course Attribute:
What factors determine unemployment and inflation, and what drives economic growth? What can the government do to achieve policy goals? This course covers macroeconomic theories, models, and analysis focused on national income determination, unemployment, inflation, and public policy. The course introduces you to standard models of the macroeconomy and the resulting policy recommendations and controversies.