Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C-' or better in (BCOR 3020 OR FINAN 3020 OR FINAN 5050) AND (BCOR 3010 OR ACCTG 3010 OR ACCTG 5050) AND Full Major status in the School of Business
This course focuses on the activities of hedge funds and private equity leveraged buyout (LBO) funds. We will discuss various absolute return investment strategies conducted primarily by hedge funds, the case for including such investments in the context of a wider portfolio, and historical performance. Students will gain familiarity with the attributes of a successful LBO and consider why “take private” transactions occur regularly despite the existence of a robust public stock market. We will consider the incentives and viewpoints of fund investors and fund managers, as well as such funds’ extensive interactions with investment banks. Case studies of hedge fund and LBO activity will be used to reinforce concepts and raise relevant topics for discussion.