Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: Masters student in Business Analytics
The aim of this course is to use algorithms to reach business decisions. The focus will be on understanding the implications of analytics for the formulation and implementation of business strategy. Students will learn about a business situation, learn of an analytic method that can be used to solve the business problem, and use the method in R to solve the business problem. Supervised and unsupervised algorithms such as regression, support vector regression, customer lifetime value, clustering, text analysis, word embedding, and causal methods such as A/B testing would be used to solve business problems such as market segmentation, brand positioning, customer satisfaction, ethical decision-making, financial decisions, healthcare decision-making, product pricing. The following process will be used for each topic: Understanding the Business context -> the data that can help solve the problem -> the analytic method that could be used -> understanding the mathematics and scope of the method ->implementation using R -> combining the business context and the algorithm in a mini-project.