Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C' or better in ((BCOR 3010 AND 3020 AND 3030 AND 3040 AND 3050) OR (FINAN 3020 AND ENTP 3070)) AND (Business Scholars member OR Honors College member) AND Intermediate or Full Major status in the School of Business AND UofU GPA ≥ 3.5
Course Attribute:
Honors Course
This course focuses on understanding the key functional, business, and corporate decisions that affect the long-term position of the firm. The central concept of this course is competitive strategy, involving the use of critical resources over long periods of time to attain specific goals and objectives. Students look at both the internal structure of the firm and the external dynamics of the macro and industry environments. Taught primarily through cases and involves substantial class discussion and writing.