Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C+' or better in (SW 6001 AND 6002 AND 6030 AND 6040 AND 6110 AND 6120 AND 6140 AND 6240) AND Graduate status in Social Work [OR] Corequisites: 'C+' or better in (SW 6040 AND SW 6121 AND SW 6200) AND Graduate status in Social Work
This course presents models of grief and bereavement applicable to social work practice with individuals and families. Emphasis is placed on direct practice knowledge and clinical skills understood in the profession to constitute what is called “grief therapy.” The Worden model, consisting of the ‘Four Tasks of Mourning’, is the primary model used in this course to guide students in their development. In addition, diverse experiences of loss and non-death related loss are considered across the lifespan.