Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
12285 PRT 1109 001 Volunteerism 20 0 2 18
2122 PRT 1120 001 NR-Outdoor Camping&Cook 24 0 15 9
4061 PRT 1120 002 NR-Outdoor Camping&Cook 26 0 7 19
4062 PRT 1120 003 NR-Outdoor Camping&Cook 24 0 13 11
2557 PRT 1130 001 NR-Fishing 22 0 16 6
2555 PRT 1131 001 NR-Fly Fishing 22 0 15 7
4066 PRT 1131 002 NR-Fly Fishing 22 0 10 12
12745 PRT 1133 001 NR-Fish Southern Utah 0 0 0 0
4081 PRT 1150 001 NR-Nat Photography 22 0 16 6
2145 PRT 1150 002 NR-Nat Photography 22 0 14 8
2147 PRT 1160 001 NR-Pistol Marksmanship 15 0 9 6
12748 PRT 1160 002 NR-Pistol Marksmanship 15 0 10 5
4082 PRT 1160 003 NR-Pistol Marksmanship 15 0 13 2
4083 PRT 1160 004 NR-Pistol Marksmanship 0 0 0 0
2161 PRT 1220 001 NR-Autumn Backpacking 22 0 12 10
4842 PRT 1221 001 NR-Bakpak L.Powell Area 22 0 20 2
5091 PRT 1224 001 NR-Desert Backpacking 26 0 5 21
12279 PRT 1225 050 NR-Animal Behav/Tracks 15 0 11 4
12747 PRT 1226 001 NR-Map & Compass 0 0 0 0
4844 PRT 1226 002 NR-Map & Compass 18 0 12 6
12274 PRT 1228 001 NR-Site Rehabilitation 0 0 0 0
4847 PRT 1229 050 NR-Prof Outdoor Guide 0 0 0 0
2169 PRT 1230 001 NR-Rock Climbing I 18 0 14 4
2170 PRT 1230 002 NR-Rock Climbing I 18 0 14 4
2171 PRT 1230 003 NR-Rock Climbing I 18 0 12 6
2172 PRT 1230 004 NR-Rock Climbing I 18 0 14 4
2546 PRT 1231 001 NR-Rock Climbing II 17 0 17 0
2547 PRT 1231 002 NR-Rock Climbing II 17 0 19 -2
12275 PRT 1232 050 NR-Rock Climb III Sem 0 0 0 0
2164 PRT 1240 001 NR-Mtn Bike Red Rock 22 0 6 16
12276 PRT 1245 001 NR-Bike Zion Park 0 0 0 0
2160 PRT 1252 001 NR-Bakpak Canyonlands 22 0 14 8
2157 PRT 1255 001 NR-Hike Capitol Reef 22 0 11 11
2159 PRT 1256 001 NR-Hike Arches Park 22 0 17 5
5092 PRT 1261 001 NR-Bakpak SanRaf Reef 22 0 12 10
4130 PRT 1263 060 NR-Canyoneering 0 0 0 0
6442 PRT 1264 001 NR-Backpack Boulder Mtn 0 0 0 0
2579 PRT 1271 050 NR-Nat Life Day Treks 20 0 5 15
13143 PRT 1310 001 NR-Canoe - Beg 18 0 10 8
2561 PRT 1313 001 NR-Canoe Lake Powell 18 0 16 2
2559 PRT 1321 001 NR-Kayaking Intermed 18 0 15 3
4853 PRT 1323 001 NR-Sea Kayaking 0 0 0 0
2556 PRT 1330 001 NR-Beginning Sailing 20 0 13 7
2565 PRT 1410 060 NR-Snowshoe Building 0 0 0 0
2566 PRT 1412 001 NR-Snowshoe/Ski Bakpak 20 0 16 4
2567 PRT 1450 001 NR-Ski Teaching-Beg 35 0 17 18
2568 PRT 1455 001 NR-Ski Teaching-Adv 30 0 7 23
2569 PRT 1456 050 NR-Snowboard Teaching 30 0 15 15
6443 PRT 1457 001 NR-Backcountry SkiGuide 18 0 13 5
2581 PRT 2001 001 NR-Intro Nature Photog 22 0 21 1
12277 PRT 2004 001 NR-Nature Awarenes 18 0 5 13
2584 PRT 2005 001 NR-River Running Instr 18 0 13 5
5093 PRT 2006 001 NR-River Safety&Rescue 18 0 16 2
12278 PRT 2015 001 NR-NatHist Hovenweep/NB 0 0 0 0
2151 PRT 2016 001 NR-Natur Hist Zion Park 0 0 0 0
2586 PRT 2080 001 Basic Sign Communication 0 0 0 0
8776 PRT 3050 001 NR-Wildn Sfty/Surv 25 0 15 10
8777 PRT 3050 002 NR-Wildn Sfty/Surv 25 0 17 8
2588 PRT 3100 001 Foundations Of PRT 50 0 52 -2
8885 PRT 3100 002 Foundations Of PRT 45 0 42 3
2589 PRT 3198 001 Customer Service Train 25 0 25 0
2590 PRT 3198 050 Customer Service Train 0 0 0 0
2591 PRT 3199 001 Tourism Dest Analysis 40 0 26 14
2598 PRT 3201 001 Intro Hospitality Indst 30 0 22 8
2599 PRT 3203 001 Hospitality Acctg 35 0 27 8
12743 PRT 3207 001 Hospitality HR Mgmt 40 0 26 14
12286 PRT 3210 001 Convention Mgmt & Srvc 30 0 24 6
12287 PRT 3211 001 Rec/Hosp Services Mktg 50 0 25 25
2600 PRT 3310 001 Leis Beh Humn Divrsty 41 0 47 -6
13622 PRT 3310 002 Leis Beh Humn Divrsty 25 0 26 -1
5648 PRT 3310 050 Leis Beh Humn Divrsty 25 0 13 12
13656 PRT 3310 090 Leis Beh Humn Divrsty 30 0 27 3
2601 PRT 3320 001 Rec Prgm & Ldrshp 60 0 30 30
4356 PRT 3320 002 Rec Prgm & Ldrshp 27 0 20 7
4357 PRT 3320 003 Rec Prgm & Ldrshp 30 0 10 20
2603 PRT 3350 001 PRT Site/Facility Mgmt 50 0 41 9
2604 PRT 3360 001 Techniques In TR 34 0 34 0
4397 PRT 3360 002 Techniques In TR 17 0 17 0
4398 PRT 3360 003 Techniques In TR 17 0 17 0
2605 PRT 3440 001 Commercial Rec/Tour 40 0 21 19
12290 PRT 3500 001 Outdoor Recreation 40 0 9 31
2606 PRT 3780 001 Eval/Research In PRT 30 0 22 8
13623 PRT 3780 002 Eval/Research In PRT 0 0 0 0
12744 PRT 3800 070 PRT Coop Education I 0 0 0 0
3488 PRT 3800 079 PRT Coop Education I 20 0 17 3
4526 PRT 3950 001 Independent Study/PRT 20 0 5 15
13834 PRT 3950 002 Independent Study/PRT 5 0 0 5
2607 PRT 4390 001 PRT Management 60 0 36 24
2608 PRT 4430 001 Environment Interpret 35 0 18 17
3489 PRT 4824 079 PRT Co-Op Education II 20 0 4 16
2609 PRT 4828 079 PRT Co-Op Education II 30 0 17 13
2610 PRT 5410 001 Park Planning 30 0 26 4
2612 PRT 5480 001 Feasblty Stds Rec/Tour 25 0 15 10
3490 PRT 5822 077 Coop Ed\Pract II In TR 10 0 1 9
4837 PRT 5824 078 Coop Ed\Pract II In TR 10 0 0 10
3491 PRT 5828 079 Coop Ed\Pract II In TR 20 0 2 18
12289 PRT 6000 001 Survey Of PRT 20 0 6 14
2613 PRT 6020 001 Sem Trnds, Iss, Res 20 0 16 4
2614 PRT 6040 001 Seminar Facil Rec Exper 20 0 19 1
2616 PRT 6410 001 Park Planning 10 0 4 6
2618 PRT 6480 001 Feasblty Stds Rec/Tour 5 0 3 2
2619 PRT 6800 001 Seminar PRT Research 10 0 4 6
12291 PRT 6830 001 Clinical Applica Of TR 20 0 9 11
4530 PRT 6860 001 Grad Practicum In PRT 10 0 0 10
4538 PRT 6950 001 Indep Studies-Masters 10 0 6 4
12292 PRT 6960 001 Special Topics 10 0 3 7
4543 PRT 6970 001 Thesis - Masters 10 0 4 6
4548 PRT 6980 001 Faculty Consult Masters 10 0 2 8
4552 PRT 7950 001 Indep Studies-Doctoral 10 0 0 10
4556 PRT 7970 001 Dissertation-Doctoral 10 0 6 4
4561 PRT 7980 001 Faculty Consult-PhD 10 0 1 9
4564 PRT 7990 001 Continuing Reg-Doctoral 10 0 2 8