Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
1064 FCS 1400 001 Intro Consumer Policy 103 0 88 15
2340 FCS 1500 001 Human Development 250 0 187 63
9843 FCS 1500 020 Human Development 50 0 52 -2
1060 FCS 2400 001 Family Studies 232 0 146 86
9853 FCS 2400 002 Family Studies 236 0 43 193
6459 FCS 2610 001 Understanding Children 45 0 35 10
9283 FCS 2610 070 Understanding Children 45 0 19 26
6460 FCS 2620 001 Child Dev Pract 64 0 49 15
13689 FCS 2621 090 Whole Child Telecourse 25 0 7 18
9237 FCS 2621 097 Whole Child Telecourse 45 0 11 34
9854 FCS 3180 001 Home School Comm Relat 50 0 31 19
13230 FCS 3180 002 Home School Comm Relat 0 0 0 0
1072 FCS 3200 001 Research Meth-Fcs 73 0 63 10
1073 FCS 3200 002 Research Meth-Fcs 73 0 27 46
1080 FCS 3210 001 FCS Statistics 73 0 57 16
9857 FCS 3210 002 FCS Statistics 70 0 63 7
9858 FCS 3210 003 FCS Statistics 0 0 0 0
12164 FCS 3210 004 FCS Statistics 0 0 0 0
13749 FCS 3210 005 FCS Statistics 50 0 37 13
2344 FCS 3220 001 Dev Inf & Early Child 40 0 32 8
9859 FCS 3220 002 Dev Inf & Early Child 60 0 32 28
9860 FCS 3240 001 Ecology Of Fam Beliefs 60 0 25 35
1086 FCS 3270 001 Parent Child Relationsh 50 0 24 26
9861 FCS 3270 002 Parent Child Relationsh 73 0 36 37
12165 FCS 3270 003 Parent Child Relationsh 0 0 0 0
1089 FCS 3290 001 Ethnic Min Families 53 0 50 3
9292 FCS 3290 002 Ethnic Min Families 0 0 0 0
12166 FCS 3290 003 Ethnic Min Families 50 0 26 24
12167 FCS 3420 001 Housing Policy & Issues 70 0 22 48
1093 FCS 3450 001 Family Economic Issues 150 0 127 23
12982 FCS 3450 002 Family Economic Issues 52 0 46 6
10321 FCS 3600 001 Home Comm Environment 200 0 89 111
13014 FCS 3600 002 Home Comm Environment 100 0 51 49
10322 FCS 3620 001 Environment and Behavior 30 0 18 12
13741 FCS 3620 002 Environment and Behavior 15 0 4 11
13742 FCS 3620 003 Environment and Behavior 45 0 37 8
2345 FCS 3630 001 Home Envrn & Mater Cult 0 0 0 0
10675 FCS 3904 001 Modes Learn: SL 45 0 18 27
10676 FCS 3904 002 Modes Learn: SL 20 0 8 12
13688 FCS 3904 005 Modes Learn: SL 50 0 22 28
10681 FCS 3905 001 Modes Learn: WC 50 0 21 29
10682 FCS 3905 002 Modes Learn: WC 0 0 0 0
10683 FCS 3905 003 Modes Learn: WC 25 0 21 4
10810 FCS 3905 004 Modes Learn: WC 50 0 14 36
10783 FCS 4999 001 Honors Thesis/Project 5 0 0 5
11180 FCS 4999 002 Honors Thesis/Project 3 0 0 3
11360 FCS 4999 003 Honors Thesis/Project 3 0 0 3
11698 FCS 4999 004 Honors Thesis/Project 5 0 0 5
13229 FCS 5150 001 Administer Child Progr 0 0 0 0
6461 FCS 5190 001 Early Chldhd Internship 45 0 9 36
2346 FCS 5200 001 Families & Soc Policy 20 0 10 10
10734 FCS 5230 001 Adolescent Development 0 0 0 0
12168 FCS 5230 002 Adolescent Development 52 0 21 31
12983 FCS 5230 003 Adolescent Development 73 0 13 60
12169 FCS 5240 001 Family Rel-Mid/Late 60 0 19 41
1119 FCS 5250 001 Theory Human Developmnt 25 0 22 3
8376 FCS 5250 002 Theory Human Developmnt 25 0 15 10
10659 FCS 5311 002 Child Health Care I 50 0 26 24
9863 FCS 5350 001 Family Theories 50 0 11 39
13186 FCS 5360 001 Family Law 42 0 13 29
1125 FCS 5380 001 Family Problems 50 0 20 30
12170 FCS 5390 001 Gender & Minorities 25 0 18 7
2348 FCS 5450 002 Econ Family Decisions 30 0 18 12
13184 FCS 5620 001 Adv. Environment & Behav 5 0 0 5
12163 FCS 5700 001 Methods Envrn Analysis 0 0 0 0
7351 FCS 5920 001 Field Training 15 0 3 12
8095 FCS 5950 001 Independent Study 5 0 0 5
14500 FCS 5950 011 Independent Study 5 0 1 4
13737 FCS 5962 001 Special Topics-Hdfs 0 0 0 0
10668 FCS 5962 060 Special Topics-Hdfs 20 0 17 3
13738 FCS 5964 001 Special Topics-Cs&Fe 0 0 0 0
10669 FCS 5964 060 Special Topics-Cs&Fe 10 0 7 3
1144 FCS 6200 001 Families & Soc Policy 10 0 4 6
1145 FCS 6400 002 Families & Econ Policy 10 0 3 7
1146 FCS 6600 001 Physical Environ & Beh 0 0 0 0
13185 FCS 6620 001 Adv Environment & Behav 5 0 2 3
2356 FCS 6901 001 Thesis Devel Seminar I 15 0 4 11
8131 FCS 6950 001 Individual Research 5 0 0 5
14453 FCS 6950 006 Individual Research 5 0 1 4
14481 FCS 6950 007 Individual Research 5 0 1 4
2357 FCS 6970 001 Thesis Research-Masters 20 0 0 20
14191 FCS 6970 013 Thesis Research-Masters 5 0 2 3
2358 FCS 6980 001 Faculty Consultation 20 0 0 20