Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
How do you know you are not a bird? Where do birds live? What do birds eat? We will use our senses to investigate the bird world. How do birds bodies and lives compare to ours? Beaks and feet, feathers and wings, eggs and nests, song and conservation will be explored through art projects, storytelling, and hands-on experiments. Session I: Eyes, ears, beaks, feet, and wings! The first session concentrates on the physical aspects of what makes a bird unique. We will compare bird anatomy with our own and visit the many birds in the aviary to observe their differences. We'll even do experiments with feathers and watch birds use their bodies. Draw, paint, and use paper mache to make up a new species of your own! Session II: Communication, nesting, migration, feeding, and training! The second session emphasizes bird behavior. Observe unique behavior and make up your own bird song. We will make a nest and a bird feeder. Here's your chance to talk to the aviary staff about how they train birds.