Course Detail
2.0 - 20.0
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Recommended Prerequisite: Medical students only.
Takes place at University of Utah Health Sciences Center or Primary Children's Medical Center/Shriners. A minimum of 4 weeks is required. There will be a total of eight students allowed on the University orthopedic service, which will consist of four possible blocks: 1) Sports/Tumor-Foot-Trauma, 2) Hand/Tumor-Foot Trauma, 3) Joint/PCMC, and 4) Shriners/Spine. There will be two students within each block who will rotate from one service to another within the block every two weeks. Students will be pre-assigned to a block and given the name of the chief resident or senior resident to contact before coming. Students will be expected to be involved directly in patient care and will be allocated responsibilities commensurate with their abilities. Attendance at Grand Rounds is required.