Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Effectively working with others is essential to maintaining a good work environment and efficient operations. How we communicate can promote an effective team or cause barriers and conflict. This segment will provide training in tools proven to enhance communication skills. It will show participants how to communicate effectively with different personality types, how to diffuse emotional issues, how to communicate in ways that build confidence and promote cooperation. The strengths and weaknesses of four communication styles will be examined. Practical exercises will be used to help participants learn to communicate more effectively in either a supervisory or a staff role. Advanced Communications: Selling Your Ideas to Others: This is salesmanship for non-salespeople. Participants learn how top salespeople effectively sell products and services to tough, sophisticated customers in a variety of differing circumstances and how these same skills can be used in negotiations to foster enthusiastic agreement with proposed ideas and conclusions. Change and Complex Systems: This class provides a deeper explanation of change as it affects teams and large complex systems. Specifically, participants learn how change affects team development and how to handle these issues with understanding and direction. In addition, participants learn about complex systems that function in all operations � what their dynamics are and how the effects of change can be focused to nullify or amplify the result. What to Do When the Media Call with Questions? Topics include how to handle questions, what kinds of plans should be in place, what a crisis plan entails, when you should wait for a call or initiate a call, how to make the most of a negative situation, how to make the most of the media when there is no situation, and more. Futuristic Thought: A look at the future with respect to the economy, trends, and vision.