Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Join us this summer for an exciting and advanced academic experience that will give you a chance to study with other bright and motivated students and will give you access to many of the cutting-edge resources of the University of Utah. Choose from a variety of courses in math, science, and the humanities that best match your skills and interests. You might learn the skills to be a beginning private detective, build a hover vehicle, meet a published author, or go "around the world" in five days. Field trips to campus research facilities, presentations by guest speakers, and recreational activities found out your day. Students who demonstrate above average interest and ability and who excel in one or more academic areas are eligible to attend. Students enrolled in gifted and talented programs are encouraged to apply. An optional residential program is available for an additional cost. For more information and a program brochure, please phone 581-6984 or go to Cosponsored by the Utah Association for Gifted and Talented Children.