Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
This introduction to acting the theater arts will have you participating in a variety of activities, creating great works of art and checking out Youth Education's pre-professional Teen Theater School for Youth (TSFY.) Learn how it's done while watching TSFY perform dress- rehearsals, quick wits or show cases. Self-expression and imagination are the focus of this creative week. Students can also develop skills of cooperation and communication and will also have the opportunity to try outdoor theater. If you want to learn more about theater, this week will giv you a start. LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! You'll be a star! Electives for 6-9 year olds may include story dance, puppetry, costuming, theater games, or making up your own plays and acting them out. Electives for 10-12 year olds may include creating monologues or short plays, set design, make-up, costume design or improv.