Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Check out the great new teen adventure offered by the University of Utah! Ditch the boring lectures and dull activities and hang out with the Club Ute crew this summer! Explore what life as a camp counselor is like while learning how to program fun and exciting activities for any setting! Gain valuable leadership experience working with your peers and with younger children. Improve important life skills including conflict resolution, goal setting, and communication. But most importantly, this is summer camp training so we'll have lots of fun too! Challenge yourself at the UNI R.O.P.E.S. course and rock climb at The Front gym. Escape to the mountains to enjoy the outdoors and discover exciting places on campus and around the valley. Skills will be developed through hands-on experiences, in unique settings. Don't miss this incredible opportunity to make yourself shine as a leader, innovator and motivator!