Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
There's an exciting world out there just waiting for you to discover! Now's your time to explore and examine all the things you've been interested in but never had a chance to experience. This camp is all about the sights and sounds you'll discover on field trips around the bend, around campus or around town. Travel to the International Peace Gardens and spend some time soaking in the scene. Venture into the great outdoors and see some local wildlife. Electives for 6-9 year olds may include pool time, water basketball, science discovery, visiting the Tracy Aviary or Red Butte, in addition to some fabulous storytelling and music. Electives for 10-12 year olds may include expressing yourself through artistic activities, taking a gallery stroll developed just for you, outdoor adventures, cool fun in the pool, or checking out the pool hall.