Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Crank up the tunes because this camp rocks! Yes, Club Ute is kicking out the jams and starting summer off with a bang, a bop and a funky beat. If you are a free spirit who loves music, this is the high-energy, toe-tappin', finger-strumming camp for you. Play with your friends and dance to the music. Check out the play, School House Rock, and Tie-dye your camp t-shirt. Electives for 6-9 year olds may include learning dances from the 60's such as the funky chicken or the mashed potato, making musical instruments, creating rock and roll themed art, drumming, or learning hip hop rhyming. Electives for 10-12 year olds may include learning funky dances from the 70's, practicing the latest hip hop dance moves, music lessons, rockin' art posters or making sculptures of famous rock stars.