Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisite: MKTG 6090.
The role of advertising, at the corporate marketing department, continues to expand as marketers are being asked to manage more promotional tasks "in-house". To help students prepare for their expanded departmental roles, this class is taught from the marketing management as well as the agency perspective. Advertising Dynamics covers, in considerable detail, the following functions: 1) account planning based on competent research; 2) media buying for efficiency and effectiveness; 3) promotional management integrating the full mix of promo activities; 4) creative execution and planning with outsourced production companies. Students are asked to present a complete and competitive "ad campaign" for a "consumer" product. Upon conclusion of Advertising Dynamics, students will be qualified to manage advertising as part of a corporate integrated marketing program. This class is writing intensive.