Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisite: Must be a member of Honors Live/Learn Experience to enroll.
Honors students in the Honors Living and Learning Experience will exclusively be members of Cornerstone, a one-hour, first-year student seminar. This pass-fail seminar gives students the chance to meet in a small group setting with a faculty mentor and other honors students living on their dorm floor for a weekly 75 minute time period. Designed to both build community and provide students with academic advising and reflection, this course encourages students to reflect on both their academic and personal goals, providing them with tools to make difficult choices they might confront both in and outside the classroom. In addition, Cornerstone introduces such concepts and tools as how to do a critical reading of a text, how to build a sound argument or to engage in the civil exchange of ideas, and ways to develop a sense of personal responsibility and connection to the community. Cornerstone extends the learning experience beyond the classroom and into the residence hall environment. Students will periodically do short reading relevant to seminar topics and will be expected to engage in discussions, collaborations, and community building activities.