Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
2134 ESS 2490 001 Intro Intercol Athletcs 50 0 28 22
6481 ESS 2490 002 Intro Intercol Athletcs 80 0 34 46
6260 ESS 2500 001 Explore Movement Sci 40 0 41 -1
2135 ESS 2500 002 Explore Movement Sci 40 0 41 -1
7174 ESS 2500 003 Explore Movement Sci 40 0 39 1
12854 ESS 2500 004 Explore Movement Sci 40 0 39 1
13308 ESS 2600 001 Sport-Amer Society 80 0 85 -5
13309 ESS 2600 002 Sport-Amer Society 80 0 76 4
12046 ESS 2601 001 Honors Sport & Society 30 0 13 17
4796 ESS 2700 001 Prev & Care Athl Injur 42 0 39 3
2140 ESS 3091 001 Physiology Of Fitness 90 0 79 11
9270 ESS 3092 001 Kinesiology 70 0 65 5
9266 ESS 3093 001 Biomechanics 90 0 61 29
12044 ESS 3094 001 Honors Ex Physiology 30 0 31 -1
12443 ESS 3200 090 Introduction to Coaching 40 0 39 1
13089 ESS 3200 091 Introduction to Coaching 40 0 39 1
13839 ESS 3220 001 Coaching Track & Field 25 0 23 2
13838 ESS 3270 001 Coaching Basketball 25 0 16 9
2142 ESS 3340 001 Sport Psychology 75 0 73 2
7762 ESS 3340 002 Sport Psychology 50 0 61 -11
12045 ESS 3341 001 Honors Sport Psyc 30 0 8 22
14144 ESS 3400 001 Athl Training Fundls I 30 0 28 2
13845 ESS 3410 001 Practicum Athl Train I 30 0 28 2
2147 ESS 3500 001 Physical Educ Elem Schl 40 0 35 5
2148 ESS 3500 002 Physical Educ Elem Schl 40 0 36 4
2149 ESS 3550 001 Motor Behavior 75 0 87 -12
7761 ESS 3551 001 App Hum Mo Dev Acr Lspn 40 0 43 -3
7760 ESS 3551 002 App Hum Mo Dev Acr Lspn 40 0 39 1
7747 ESS 3670 001 Exerc Hlth/Cultr Persp 90 0 122 -32
8664 ESS 3710 001 Elementary Methods 13 0 11 2
8665 ESS 3710 002 Elementary Methods 4 0 3 1
8666 ESS 3710 003 Elementary Methods 4 0 3 1
8667 ESS 3710 004 Elementary Methods 3 0 1 2
8668 ESS 3710 005 Elementary Methods 4 0 4 0
2150 ESS 3930 001 Research Participation 20 0 0 20
12035 ESS 4464 001 Grp Fitness Inst Train 30 0 25 5
2159 ESS 4465 001 Exerc Programming 30 0 23 7
2160 ESS 4465 002 Exerc Programming 15 0 15 0
7091 ESS 4465 003 Exerc Programming 15 0 8 7
7093 ESS 4500 001 Phys Agents in Ath Trg 20 0 19 1
7763 ESS 4500 002 Phys Agents in Ath Trg 20 0 19 1
2138 ESS 4610 001 Improve Behav. & Skill 40 0 13 27
13840 ESS 4650 001 Special Physical Educ 15 0 0 15
2161 ESS 4670 001 Aging and Exercise 90 0 104 -14
6620 ESS 4710 001 Teaching Secondary PE 15 0 12 3
2166 ESS 4800 001 Practicum Fitnss Ldrshp 12 0 8 4
2169 ESS 4810 001 Supervised Internship 20 0 9 11
2171 ESS 4820 001 Coaching Fld Experience 10 0 3 7
7173 ESS 4900 001 Promoting PA in Comm 55 0 27 28
6483 ESS 4900 002 Promoting PA in Comm 25 0 27 -2
10241 ESS 4900 003 Promoting PA in Comm 0 0 0 0
7095 ESS 4910 001 Intern Sp PE 10 0 0 10
12858 ESS 4920 001 Independent Study 5 0 0 5
7094 ESS 4921 001 Peer Tutoring 20 0 1 19
2174 ESS 4999 001 Honors Thesis/Project 20 0 0 20
12777 ESS 5360 090 Prev App Eat & Obesity 15 0 15 0
2175 ESS 5800 001 Special Projects 20 0 0 20
13181 ESS 5800 005 Special Projects 5 0 1 4
14386 ESS 5800 006 Special Projects 5 0 0 5
11017 ESS 5800 010 Special Projects 10 0 1 9
12426 ESS 5800 011 Special Projects 10 0 1 9
9051 ESS 5830 002 Journal Readings 5 0 0 5
9053 ESS 5830 003 Journal Readings 5 0 0 5
10766 ESS 5850 001 Special Topics 30 0 30 0
14146 ESS 5850 002 Special Topics 25 0 25 0
10572 ESS 5850 004 Special Topics 20 0 15 5
12268 ESS 5850 005 Special Topics 20 0 10 10
12736 ESS 5850 007 Special Topics 40 0 12 28
12535 ESS 6010 001 Tech Behavior 10 0 3 7
14145 ESS 6140 001 Anlys Teach Phys Actvy 10 0 5 5
12536 ESS 6240 001 Teaching High School PE 10 0 7 3
2176 ESS 6300 001 Adv Ex Phys I 15 0 6 9
2177 ESS 6300 002 Adv Ex Phys I 0 0 0 0
14745 ESS 6301 001 Adv Ex Phys Lab I 10 0 2 8
6669 ESS 6320 001 Exercise and Disease 15 0 7 8
13844 ESS 6380 001 Muscle Physiology 30 0 6 24
12900 ESS 6384 001 Adv Cardio Phys 10 0 2 8
14743 ESS 6385 001 Sci of Power Training 0 0 0 0
14744 ESS 6386 001 Sci of Endurance Train 10 0 4 6
13841 ESS 6450 001 Survey Spec Phys Ed 10 0 7 3
13310 ESS 6550 001 Intro to Research Mthds 60 0 15 45
9265 ESS 6700 001 Sport & Ex. Psych. 30 0 14 16
13842 ESS 6751 001 Char Dev in Sp & PA 30 0 11 19
2180 ESS 6850 001 Graduate Seminar 30 0 2 28
2182 ESS 6910 001 Masters Internship 20 0 0 20
2181 ESS 6951 001 Indp Stdy Resrch MS 20 0 0 20
2183 ESS 6970 001 Thesis Research: MS 20 0 0 20
10075 ESS 6970 010 Thesis Research: MS 5 0 1 4
2184 ESS 6980 001 Faculty Consult MS 10 0 1 9
8603 ESS 7300 001 Ad. Ex Phys I 8 0 2 6
8604 ESS 7300 002 Ad. Ex Phys I 0 0 0 0
14746 ESS 7301 001 Adv Ex Phys Lab I 10 0 2 8
11132 ESS 7810 001 Research In Exer Phys 6 0 0 6
9072 ESS 7830 004 Journal Readings 5 0 0 5
9980 ESS 7830 005 Journal Readings 5 0 0 5
14385 ESS 7830 006 Journal Readings 5 0 0 5
13843 ESS 7840 001 PA Interventions 30 0 3 27
14770 ESS 7850 001 Graduate Seminar 10 0 3 7
2187 ESS 7920 001 Indep Stdy-Research PhD 10 0 0 10
2185 ESS 7930 001 Doctoral Internship 20 0 0 20
10765 ESS 7953 001 College Teaching II 0 0 0 0
2190 ESS 7970 001 Thesis Research-Ph D 10 0 1 9
4632 ESS 7970 008 Thesis Research-Ph D 5 0 2 3
2188 ESS 7980 001 Faculty Consult: PhD 10 0 0 10
14910 ESS 7980 002 Faculty Consult: PhD 3 0 1 2
15169 ESS 7980 003 Faculty Consult: PhD 5 0 1 4
2189 ESS 7990 001 Cont Reg-Ph D 10 0 0 10