Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
This three-day, hands-on course will familiarize students with Motion, Apple's revolutionary software for motion graphics design. This comprehensive course covers working with Motion's Real-Time Design engine and interface, behavior-based animation, parameter behaviors, blend modes, advanced particle system design, advanced title animation, working with templates, chroma key techniques, masking methods, DVD motion menu design, tablet-driven gesture UI techniques, working with audio, keyframing, and integration. Basic knowledge of Mac OS X and some basic knowledge of Final Cut Pro is requested. This course is a good supplement to our other Apple Pro certification courses including a Comprehensive Study of Final Cut Pro 6 and a Motion Graphics and Effects in Final Cut Studio. Who Should Attend? Anyone wanting to learn and implement motion graphics design. The course is designed for those who prefer hands-on and interactive instruction to best explore the functionality of Motion 3, and it covers the requirements necessary to successfully become an Apple Certified Pro in Motion 3. This certification attests to a professional level knowledge of the application.