Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Do you climb, ski, bike, canyoneer, or pursue another active outdoor sport? When you attempt to record these adventures with your camera, do you find yourself with a collection of blurry, ill-composed, or poorly lit photos that do nothing to capture the excitement of the moment? Learn the techniques pros use to achieve impactful outdoor sport photographs in difficult environments. We'll look at choosing location, positioning for the best shot, capture methods, moment of capture, depth of field, focusing and focal points, composition and framing, freezing action, adding movement to images, and the creative use of modern strobe lighting. Additional topics include planning shoots and specialized techniques for digital and film cameras. You will get the most from this class if you have the following equipment: film or digital SLR with a minimum 3-frames-per-second motor drive and rear-curtain sync capability (professional-level non-SLR cameras such as the Canon G10 may offer this functionality); high-speed compact flash card or ISO 50- or 100-speed chrome film; hot shoe flash or speedlite. Please be familiar with the basic workings of your camera.