Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
This class is designed to help you have a strong, fulfilling, and lasting relationship. Marriages do not come with instruction manuals. We are not born knowing how to create healthy relationships. Yet we all desire a good relationship in our encore years. Retirement is supposed to bring a life of bliss, yet it frequently places undue stress on even the best relationships. Through PREP, the Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program, your instructor will help you build on your existing strengths, prevent future problems, and nurture dedication and long-term views of your relationship. Successful relationships are about knowing how to handle your differences and developing skills for dealing with conflict. These skills will be taught in an enjoyable and engaging classroom format. The instructor, a certified PREP instructor, board-certified life coach and certified retirement transition, career, and relationship coach, will help class members learn new skills and inspire them with new possibilities for their encore years.