Course Detail
Course Components:
The Goals of the Phase 3 Education days are to: 1. Bring students together to community build and reflect. 2. Efficiently deliver common content relevant to all clerkships. 3. Pilot potential intersession materials. 4. Integrate coaching time into the core clerkship. 5. Create opportunities for formative assessment for learning. The 3 Education Days will be offered over a 6 month period and repeated twice over the course of the academic year (AY). Students will be excused from clerkship responsibilities to attend these days and will be assigned based on learning community. The content for the Education Days will focus on skills and attributes that are broadly applicable across phase 3 and were developed based on Phase 3 Committee Recommendations and Education Days Working Group input. Further, they will incorporate required new content (ARC-related) and eliminate the need for individual clerkships to repeatedly deliver such content. Where possible, content will build upon itself over the course of the three Education Days (i.e.: Motivational interviewing, Clinical reasoning) and will provide students the opportunity between sessions to practice what they have learned in the authentic clinical environment.