Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'B' or better in (((BCOR 3020 OR FINAN 3040/3041/5050) AND (Minor in AdvFin Analysis OR (Major in QAMO AND 3.5+ GPA))) OR (Major in FINAN AND 3.5+ GPA) OR (Emph in AdvFin Analysis)) AND (BCOR 3010 OR ACCTG 2600/3000/3600/3601/5050)
Forecasting the future cash flows of a company is a common requirement for many finance positions. For example, both corporate executives and lenders want to know whether the firm is generating enough cash to meet its financial obligations. Consultants, investment bankers, and investors use expected future cash flows to estimate the fair value of a company. This course will focus on building standard Excel models for financing and valuation. We will begin with simple models based on historical data and build toward 3-statement models for equity research or for evaluating acquisitions.