Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: "C-" or better in ARCH 3611.
Course Attribute:
Building Resilience - Foundations of Building Technology II - builds on the basic principles that describe how the physical world works in order to understand how buildings can be designed and constructed in accordance with the natural environment, daylight, and passive and active systems. With a continuous and strong emphasis on sustainable and resilient solutions, the course examines fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, and mechanisms of heat flow in its first Module, to continue into Module 2 where energy consumption and thermal comfort in buildings are discussed. Module 3 is an in-depth exploration of daylight and artificial light use in buildings. The class concludes with Module 4, in which passive and active means of building performance are investigated. Many of the aspects and topics covered in this class can be directly applied to the accompanying ARCH 3011 studio.