Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: (Declared Emphasis or Minor in Photography & Digital Imaging OR Declared Major in Film & Media Arts) OR Instructor Consent
Medium & Large Format Photography focuses on advanced camera operations and film and darkroom techniques using medium format and large format 4x5 view cameras. This course introduces more advanced photographic concepts through group discussions, readings, lectures, and individual projects, while continuing to emphasize aesthetic presentation. Additionally, various technical controls are investigated, including water-bath developing, bleaching and toning, archival printing, and zone system.Medium format and large format 4x5 view cameras are available for check-out from the photography area. Various technical controls are investigated, including water-bath developing, bleaching and toning, archival printing. The student is also made aware of historical and critical issues through a reading list and slide presentations. Group discussions are an integral part of this course.