Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
12001 GEO 100 001 Science in Cinema 3 0 0 3
7251 GEO 104 001 World of Dinosaurs 4 0 1 3
16281 GEO 110 001 Evolving Earth 2 0 0 2
16282 GEO 210 001 Reactive Earth 2 0 0 2
5037 GEO 1000 001 Science in Cinema 500 0 285 215
13703 GEO 1030 090 Living with Quakes 180 0 181 -1
10088 GEO 1040 001 World of Dinosaurs 500 0 248 252
18623 GEO 1050 090 National Parks Geology 200 0 200 0
10390 GEO 1100 001 Evolving Earth 50 0 49 1
18632 GEO 1120 002 Earth System Science 43 0 26 17
10391 GEO 2100 001 Reactive Earth 25 0 15 10
10824 GEO 2100 002 Reactive Earth 25 0 15 10
10392 GEO 2500 001 Wasatch in the Field 50 0 50 0
18629 GEO 2500 002 Wasatch in the Field 25 0 25 0
18639 GEO 2500 003 Wasatch in the Field 25 0 25 0
18630 GEO 3020 001 Mineralogy 25 0 19 6
18631 GEO 3020 002 Mineralogy 25 0 19 6
13163 GEO 3040 001 Sedimentology & Stratig 30 0 22 8
13164 GEO 3040 002 Sedimentology & Stratig 30 0 22 8
18626 GEO 3070 001 Petrology for Engineers 15 0 0 15
18627 GEO 3070 002 Petrology for Engineers 15 0 0 15
11005 GEO 3100 001 Dynamic Earth 25 0 10 15
12971 GEO 3400 001 Computational Methods 15 0 8 7
15464 GEO 3400 002 Computational Methods 15 0 8 7
3755 GEO 3900 001 Upr Div Undergrad Res 10 0 4 6
3756 GEO 4970 001 Senior Thesis 5 0 2 3
13211 GEO 4999 001 Honors Thesis/Project 5 0 0 5
12357 GEO 5210 090 Seismology I 13 0 4 9
3757 GEO 5250 001 Inversion Theory 10 0 0 10
18624 GEO 5270 001 Geomorphology 10 0 9 1
3758 GEO 5350 001 Groundwater 30 0 12 18
13704 GEO 5650 001 Hydrology 15 0 12 3
18633 GEO 5660 001 Geochemistry 20 0 20 0
18628 GEO 5675 001 Paleo Reconstruction 15 0 15 0
3759 GEO 5900 001 Internship 15 0 0 15
3760 GEO 5920 001 Special Topics 2 0 1 1
18634 GEO 5920 003 Special Topics 10 0 1 9
20079 GEO 5920 004 Special Topics 5 0 0 5
20095 GEO 5920 005 Special Topics 5 0 0 5
18635 GEO 5920 090 Special Topics 15 0 4 11
12355 GEO 6211 090 Seismology I 5 0 0 5
3761 GEO 6250 001 Inversion Theory & Apps 15 0 2 13
18625 GEO 6270 001 Geomorphology 5 0 0 5
3762 GEO 6350 001 Groundwater 8 0 3 5
13705 GEO 6650 001 Hydrology 5 0 4 1
18622 GEO 6660 001 Geochemistry 7 0 6 1
19592 GEO 6675 001 Paleo Reconstruction 5 0 2 3
3763 GEO 6920 001 Special Topics 2 0 1 1
3764 GEO 6920 002 Special Topics 10 0 0 10
18637 GEO 6920 003 Special Topics 5 0 4 1
14079 GEO 6920 004 Special Topics 5 0 4 1
14464 GEO 6920 005 Special Topics 7 0 2 5
15003 GEO 6920 007 Special Topics 10 0 0 10
20096 GEO 6920 008 Special Topics 5 0 1 4
20359 GEO 6920 009 Special Topics 10 0 1 9
18638 GEO 6920 090 Special Topics 3 0 1 2
3765 GEO 6950 001 Reviews Earth Sci 15 0 9 6
3767 GEO 6970 001 Thesis Research-Masters 5 0 0 5
3766 GEO 6980 001 Faculty Consultation 5 0 0 5
18636 GEO 7920 003 Special Topics 5 0 0 5
20097 GEO 7920 004 Special Topics 5 0 0 5
20309 GEO 7920 005 Special Topics 3 0 3 0
3780 GEO 7970 001 Thesis Research-Ph D 5 0 0 5
17349 GEO 7970 031 Thesis Research-Ph D 5 0 1 4
3794 GEO 7980 001 Faculty Consultation 5 0 0 5
3795 GEO 7990 001 Cont Reg-Ph D 5 0 0 5