Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
4206 SW 1010 001 Soc Wk & Soc Welfare 25 1 25 0
8450 SW 1010 090 Soc Wk & Soc Welfare 10 0 10 0
12468 SW 1010 091 Soc Wk & Soc Welfare 12 1 12 0
8524 SW 2100 001 HBSE 25 1 25 0
8525 SW 2100 090 HBSE 13 0 12 1
15613 SW 2700 090 Social Determinants 12 0 12 0
3677 SW 2715 001 Dynamics of Addiction 20 0 8 12
15616 SW 2715 090 Dynamics of Addiction 13 0 9 4
8546 SW 3000 001 Applied SW Statistics 25 1 25 0
7995 SW 3000 090 Applied SW Statistics 12 8 12 0
10258 SW 3110 001 SW Practice I 25 0 18 7
5348 SW 3110 090 SW Practice I 13 0 10 3
13252 SW 3110 091 SW Practice I 13 0 8 5
11809 SW 3315 001 DSM-V for Case Managers 25 0 8 17
11208 SW 3400 001 Impact of Child Abuse 25 0 23 2
11260 SW 3400 090 Impact of Child Abuse 13 3 13 0
13251 SW 3400 091 Impact of Child Abuse 13 2 13 0
15603 SW 3550 001 Soc Div & Cultrl Under. 25 0 22 3
8998 SW 3550 090 Soc Div & Cultrl Under. 13 0 13 0
11268 SW 3550 091 Soc Div & Cultrl Under. 15 0 15 0
19539 SW 3710 001 Case Management for SWs 25 0 25 0
15610 SW 3710 090 Case Management for SWs 13 3 13 0
6996 SW 3716 001 Intro to Prof Develop 20 0 0 20
15617 SW 3716 090 Intro to Prof Develop 8 0 2 6
13837 SW 3725 001 Intro to Neurochemistry 20 0 5 15
18865 SW 3725 090 Intro to Neurochemistry 25 0 3 22
11986 SW 3731 001 Counseling Practice I 20 0 4 16
15609 SW 3731 090 Counseling Practice I 8 0 2 6
13836 SW 3732 001 Counseling Practice II 25 0 3 22
18860 SW 3732 090 Counseling Practice II 25 0 5 20
15611 SW 4000 001 Crisis Intervention 25 0 15 10
15612 SW 4000 090 Crisis Intervention 12 3 12 0
21314 SW 4100 090 Global Com Bsd Resch 25 0 6 19
4002 SW 4301 001 Soc Wlfr Policy/Service 25 0 12 13
8059 SW 4301 090 Soc Wlfr Policy/Service 12 0 12 0
12933 SW 4301 091 Soc Wlfr Policy/Service 12 0 8 4
14769 SW 4401 001 Soc Wk Rsrch & Eval 25 0 20 5
8997 SW 4401 090 Soc Wk Rsrch & Eval 12 0 10 2
10259 SW 4430 001 SW Practice II 25 0 16 9
9648 SW 4430 090 SW Practice II 11 0 9 2
4003 SW 4440 001 SW Practice III 25 0 13 12
8994 SW 4440 090 SW Practice III 11 0 10 1
19546 SW 4782 001 Soc Wk Practicum Sem 45 0 8 37
19547 SW 4782 002 Soc Wk Practicum Sem 15 0 4 11
19548 SW 4782 003 Soc Wk Practicum Sem 15 0 4 11
19549 SW 4782 093 Soc Wk Practicum Sem 15 0 4 11
19606 SW 4783 091 SW Practicum PT1 10 0 4 6
8207 SW 4949 001 Independent Study 4 0 0 4
20960 SW 4949 090 Independent Study 8 0 1 7
5087 SW 4950 001 Undergraduate Research 1 0 0 1
9651 SW 4950 002 Undergraduate Research 12 0 0 12
9972 SW 4950 003 Undergraduate Research 5 0 0 5
4005 SW 4999 001 Honors Thesis Project 23 0 0 23
11261 SW 5706 001 Field Training 200 hr 20 0 3 17
18867 SW 5706 090 Field Training 200 hr 25 0 0 25
13137 SW 5707 001 Adv Field Train 350 hr 20 0 2 18
18862 SW 5707 090 Adv Field Train 350 hr 15 0 3 12
11949 SW 5711 001 Functions & Recovery 20 0 4 16
18855 SW 5711 090 Functions & Recovery 15 0 4 11
7130 SW 6001 001 Practice I 28 0 28 0
7131 SW 6001 002 Practice I 28 0 28 0
7132 SW 6001 003 Practice I 28 0 26 2
12935 SW 6001 004 Practice I 28 0 21 7
15608 SW 6001 830 Practice I 28 0 0 28
3806 SW 6030 001 HBSE 28 0 28 0
3808 SW 6030 002 HBSE 28 0 28 0
3807 SW 6030 003 HBSE 28 0 19 9
11807 SW 6030 004 HBSE 28 1 28 0
15600 SW 6030 830 HBSE 28 0 0 28
7119 SW 6040 001 DSM 28 0 21 7
7120 SW 6040 002 DSM 28 0 28 0
7121 SW 6040 003 DSM 28 0 28 0
12937 SW 6040 004 DSM 28 0 28 0
15606 SW 6040 830 DSM 28 0 0 28
12938 SW 6120 730 Reflexive Social Work I 28 0 7 21
12939 SW 6140 730 Community Strategies 28 0 7 21
7428 SW 6201 001 Health Practice I 18 0 19 -1
7432 SW 6220 001 Reflexive Social Work 2 28 2 28 0
7433 SW 6220 002 Reflexive Social Work 2 28 1 28 0
7530 SW 6220 003 Reflexive Social Work 2 28 1 28 0
7531 SW 6220 004 Reflexive Social Work 2 28 0 26 2
11340 SW 6220 005 Reflexive Social Work 2 28 5 28 0
19765 SW 6220 630 Reflexive Social Work 2 28 0 21 7
19766 SW 6220 635 Reflexive Social Work 2 10 0 4 6
11143 SW 6240 001 Social Policies 28 0 23 5
11144 SW 6240 002 Social Policies 28 0 28 0
11145 SW 6240 003 Social Policies 28 0 28 0
11146 SW 6240 004 Social Policies 28 0 28 0
18858 SW 6240 630 Social Policies 25 0 21 4
18859 SW 6240 635 Social Policies 5 0 4 1
7425 SW 6301 001 Child Welfare Prac I 13 0 22 -9
13832 SW 6301 095 Child Welfare Prac I 25 0 7 18
7426 SW 6350 001 Global SW Practice I 19 0 15 4
7427 SW 6401 001 MH Practice I 17 0 20 -3
7430 SW 6401 002 MH Practice I 17 0 26 -9
7431 SW 6401 003 MH Practice I 17 0 21 -4
8457 SW 6401 004 MH Practice I 17 0 24 -7
13831 SW 6401 095 MH Practice I 25 0 7 18
12944 SW 6500 011 Opt SW Prac 1 0 1 0
3809 SW 6511 002 Gen Field Practicum I 40 0 1 39
3810 SW 6511 003 Gen Field Practicum I 40 0 2 38
3811 SW 6511 005 Gen Field Practicum I 40 0 1 39
12450 SW 6511 009 Gen Field Practicum I 40 0 0 40
12945 SW 6511 010 Gen Field Practicum I 40 0 0 40
12946 SW 6511 011 Gen Field Practicum I 40 0 0 40
14867 SW 6511 012 Gen Field Practicum I 40 0 0 40
19767 SW 6511 630 Gen Field Practicum I 28 0 21 7
19768 SW 6511 635 Gen Field Practicum I 10 0 4 6
19769 SW 6511 730 Gen Field Practicum I 25 0 7 18
8511 SW 6520 090 Issues in Women's Hlth 20 0 19 1
4007 SW 6521 002 Sp Field Practicum I 40 0 3 37
4008 SW 6521 003 Sp Field Practicum I 40 0 3 37
4009 SW 6521 004 Sp Field Practicum I 40 0 1 39
5947 SW 6521 007 Sp Field Practicum I 20 0 0 20
12451 SW 6521 009 Sp Field Practicum I 60 0 1 59
12951 SW 6521 011 Sp Field Practicum I 40 0 0 40
14869 SW 6521 012 Sp Field Practicum I 40 0 1 39
19770 SW 6521 095 Sp Field Practicum I 25 0 5 20
15601 SW 6621 001 Variable Topics 28 0 26 2
13829 SW 6621 003 Variable Topics 28 0 24 4
15602 SW 6621 004 Variable Topics 28 0 14 14
14267 SW 6621 090 Variable Topics 25 0 19 6
14268 SW 6621 091 Variable Topics 25 0 23 2
18864 SW 6631 095 Grief and Loss 25 0 6 19
13835 SW 6650 001 School SW Macro Skills 28 0 18 10
11976 SW 6650 091 School SW Macro Skills 25 0 8 17
4006 SW 6701 001 Forensic Practice I 24 0 15 9
7656 SW 6740 001 Sub Use Practice I 24 0 20 4
7655 SW 6741 001 Psychoactive Meds 28 0 17 11
7424 SW 6750 001 Aging Practice I 25 0 8 17
11950 SW 6800 001 Social Justice Seminar 25 0 10 15
13606 SW 6813 002 SchoolSW Field Prac Gen 3 0 0 3
13607 SW 6813 003 SchoolSW Field Prac Gen 30 0 0 30
14340 SW 6813 004 SchoolSW Field Prac Gen 40 0 0 40
13609 SW 6813 009 SchoolSW Field Prac Gen 30 0 0 30
13610 SW 6813 010 SchoolSW Field Prac Gen 30 0 0 30
13611 SW 6813 011 SchoolSW Field Prac Gen 30 0 0 30
13612 SW 6823 003 SchoolSW Field Prac Spc 30 0 0 30
14339 SW 6823 004 SchoolSW Field Prac Spc 40 0 0 40
16360 SW 6823 011 SchoolSW Field Prac Spc 20 0 0 20
3812 SW 7111 001 Quantitative Research 6 0 2 4
9615 SW 7113 001 Systematic Reviews 15 0 3 12
11375 SW 7121 001 Scholarly Writing I 6 0 2 4
11952 SW 7123 001 Scholarly Writing III 6 0 3 3
15006 SW 7130 001 Epistemological Pers. 10 0 2 8
3813 SW 7211 001 Statistics I 24 0 3 21
10332 SW 7530 001 Statistics III 15 0 4 11
3341 SW 7900 001 Independent Study 24 0 0 24
4517 SW 7900 002 Independent Study 5 0 0 5
5474 SW 7900 003 Independent Study 5 0 0 5
6428 SW 7900 004 Independent Study 10 0 0 10
6879 SW 7900 005 Independent Study 5 0 0 5
7793 SW 7900 006 Independent Study 5 0 0 5
7818 SW 7900 007 Independent Study 5 0 0 5
8015 SW 7900 008 Independent Study 10 0 0 10
8073 SW 7900 009 Independent Study 10 0 0 10
8673 SW 7900 010 Independent Study 5 0 0 5
8780 SW 7900 011 Independent Study 5 0 0 5
9351 SW 7900 012 Independent Study 5 0 0 5
9417 SW 7900 013 Independent Study 1 0 0 1
10257 SW 7900 014 Independent Study 1 0 0 1
3262 SW 7970 001 Dissertation Research 27 0 6 21
3902 SW 7970 821 Dissertation Research 13 0 0 13
3263 SW 7980 001 Research Consultation 24 0 0 24
4207 SW 7980 821 Research Consultation 13 0 0 13
3013 SW 7990 001 Cont Registration 24 0 0 24
4208 SW 7990 821 Cont Registration 13 0 0 13